Music, hey Chris with RC Wurst here, and welcome to another troubleshooting your well system video. Today, we are going to go ahead and talk about Franklin Electric's standard control es. These control es are available from one and a half horsepower all the way up through 15 horsepower, and these troubleshooting techniques are going to allow you to test any one of those es. Now, this particular (pointing to the control panel), and we can tell on the front of it, is a three horsepower control, 230 volts. So, before we actually jump into the troubleshooting, if anyone is familiar with our YouTube channel, you may be used to seeing me clean-shaven. Well, I'm happy to inform you that hunting season is just a couple of days away, so I'm getting nature ready. On to the troubleshooting. So, the first thing you're going to want to do, and assumably you've got a pressure switch in your system, is check the voltage at the pressure switch. Now, of course, I want to remind everybody when you're troubleshooting your system, there is going to be live electricity on-site, so be aware of that. Make sure to take all proper precautions, disable breakers, and everything like that. When it comes to checking the pressure switch, I like to turn the breaker off before I open the cap, because you never really know what you're going to expect in the breaker or in the pressure switch. So, obviously, we don't have this one hooked up today because we're just kind of running through things, showing you what to do, how to check it, and I have my handy dandy $18 meter that I picked up at the local hardware store. So, it's relatively inexpensive and it allows pretty much anybody on nearly any...
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Shared well electricity cost Form: What You Should Know
The cost is dependent on your water source. For example, we know our well is a well because the pump runs and delivers a water sample to a local drinking water testing laboratory. Using that we know to charge the well a minimum amount of .11 a gallon. As a guideline, it would cost 300 an average well to charge an average family of 4 for monthly water charges. The monthly water charges are based on an average household of four using an average number of water tests. How does this compare to the monthly water charges in my home? This compares roughly to the monthly per diem price for the average home in Wisconsin. Your home is used for roughly 20,000 to 25,000 gallons of water per year. Your household does a monthly average of 2,000 gallons per year. We know the total volume in your home would include the water that fills storage tanks, lawns, gardens, faucet flushes and the water that leaks through the walls. This would include all the water in your home. Also, we calculate your household to have a consumption rate of 2,000. So if the monthly well charges you charged per gallons is .11, then that means you would need to charge your entire 2,000 per year utility bill of 600.00 a month for water supply. This would add an extra monthly 500.00 in monthly household charges. Here are some important notes when filling out the Shared Well Agreement Sheet A Shared Well Agreement is also filled out in a shared document called a Shared Wells Agreement. The reason for the shared well agreement is to protect both you the individual and your water system. Here's a comparison of the two shared documents. A Shared Wells Agreement is a separate document that you provide to your water system. This is a written, independent and complete understanding of the circumstances of your well-being shared by both the well's owner and the water system. It is legally binding. This is the same document that you complete when you fill in the Water System Shared Well Agreement. It is used by all water systems including water supply companies. It spells out the conditions, responsibilities and payment of Shared Wells Charges. In this shared document you can easily track your well and its water usage. It also covers how to resolve disputes. And it spells out what happens in the event of an emergency. It is used by many water systems, including the Milwaukee Public Water System (MPS).
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Shared well electricity cost