Hi there, I'm Wendy Hernandez and I'm the creator and founder of the Command the Courtroom one-day workshop series. Today, I want to talk to you a little bit about building your best custody case. Specifically, I want to talk to you about mother's rights versus father's rights. There's this urban myth out there in the world that we live in, a mother's rights world. However, I'm here to tell you that that's not the case anymore. Judges' attitudes are becoming more progressive, the world is evolving, and what judges are really looking at is what is in the best interests of the children. So, if you're a mom fighting for custody or parenting time, my advice to you is don't get too lackadaisical. Don't get overconfident and think that just because you're the mom, you're automatically going to get custody or parenting time. That's not the case. You still have to prove your case to the court. And if you're a dad, don't get overly discouraged. Don't despair and think that just because you're the dad, there is no hope for you. There's no chance that you can ever get custody or parenting time of your children. That's not the case either. You too have to prove your case. So, let's talk about proving your case. What you have to do in these types of cases is show the judge what is in the best interest of your children. How do you do that? Well, in each state in the United States of America, there's a statute that governs child custody and parenting time. In those statutes, they will list the factors that the court is going to look at in making a decision about custody and parenting time. Your job is to present each of the factors that apply to your case, along...
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Missouri shared well laws Form: What You Should Know
What is an independent well? An independent well is a well with a board of directors. One director controls all aspects of the system including ownership and operation of wells. Is there a state regulated independent well inspector? Yes the Missouri DNR and several licensed independent well inspectors provide these services: Paying the Independent Well Inspector Well Inspectors Inspections are performed once a month. What is an annual inspection? An annual inspection does not address the well's construction or maintenance. Inspections are performed once every one to two years. An inspection shall be given to see that the system is properly maintained and that no emergency has occurred since the last inspection. Are all wells inspected? No. The Missouri Department of Natural Resources requires independent inspectors to perform inspections of all owned wells. How do inspectors operate? Well Inspection Contractors Well Inspectors perform the following services for the DNR: • Assess the condition of the well through water testing, soil analysis, and field testing. • Record an inventory of the water system at the well-head for maintenance purposes. • Perform preventive maintenance. • Complete routine repairs or replacement. How long does it take to conduct the well inspection? The time needed varies according to the quality of the well and the amount of water used. A licensed well inspector will inspect your well monthly. How much will my well cost? Once you have contacted an inspector for your well, we can help determine what you may be facing.  Once you receive an estimate, you can see what your costs may be. If we determine that you are seeking a reasonable solution to your situation we will try and assist you with that.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Missouri shared well laws